The Red Car Theory

This is a short blog with a simple message: Opportunities are all around you, but you have to be looking for them in order to take advantage of them. Here is a 30-second video that illustrates this point. Joe’s Perspective: I can’t state it any better than she did. “That’s how opportunities work. When you go through life and you …

A Special Kind of Signing Day

In almost every high school across the country, athletes sign their national letter of intent to celebrate a scholarship with a particular school. It’s usually a big deal. Schools set up a table with the college colors. Athletes wear a shirt or hat to indicate where he/she will attend college. Family and friends attend the event to support the athlete. …

Choose Your Friends Carefully

I always remember my mother telling me to choose my friends wisely. If you befriend the wrong person who does the wrong thing at the wrong time, and you are with them, you too might get into trouble, even if it isn’t your fault. That’s life. Many a person is in prison because of just such a situation. It was …

America – The Promised Land

Gene Simmons was born in Israel shortly after the end of World War II. Most of his family perished under the Hitler regime in concentration camps because they were Jewish. When Gene turned 9, he and his mother legally immigrated to America. Most people know Gene Simmons as the former lead singer of KISS, a rock-n-roll band, who wore makeup …

Overcoming Hate with Friendship and Communication

Daryl Davis is a black man. He is a black man who has spent countless hours at Ku Klux Klan rallies (KKK). He has invited KKK leaders to his house… and shared meals with these men. You might ask yourself, “Why would Mr. Davis do this?” Is he some kind of bizarre racist who hates his own race? The answer …

Perspective: How Would You Live this Day Over?

Perspective. We mostly go through our daily lives by going through the motions. One day leads to the next. Alarm, breakfast, school, lunch, more school, practice, homework, dinner, TV, bedtime. Something like that. Most days are not special or memorable. For example, can you remember what you did on November 7th of last year? Me neither. This simple 1-minute video …

Three Simple Rules of Life

Stephen Hawking once said, “Showing up is half the battle.” This quote always stuck with me. It’s so simple that sometimes we forget the importance of the statement. You can’t be considered for the job if you don’t submit your resume. You can’t win the race if you are not entered. You can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy …